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Proposals for UHD Technology and Learning Conference Due Feb. 15

The UHD Academic Technology Committee is seeking knowledgeable faculty and staff presenters as well as faculty/student and staff/student presentation teams for the Third Annual Technology and Learning Conference @ UHD, April 2 and 3, 2014.

If you have discovered new ways to use technology in your classes and engage students, we invite you to share your expertise with other faculty and staff members at UHD. You can collaborate with your students and offer a report on emerging technology in higher education.

Conference Theme: Instructional Development and Collaboration

Conference Website: http://tlcconference2014.sched.org/

Deadline for Submitting Proposals: February 15, 2014

Where to Submit Proposals: ATCatUHD2014@gmail.com


Possible topics for proposals may include, but are not limited to,

  • technologies that promote collaboration among students in online, hybrid, and face-2-face classes
  • technologies for active learning and high impact on-line and face-2-face learning experiences
  • technologies that foster student engagement in academic and co-curricular settings
  • emerging technologies in higher education
  • technologies that translate from classroom to workplace

Members of the Academic Technology Committee:

John Aoki

Carolyn Ashe

Prakash Deo

Jean DeWitt

Shastri Djivesh

Louis Evans

Aaron Gillette

Judith Harris

Billy Hoya

Natalia Matveeva, Co-chair

Jackie Sack

Hossein Shahrokhi

Vasilis Zafiris, Chair