10:13 AM

New, Improved LibSearch Coming Soon

Courtesy of the W.I.Dykes Library Blog - Library News.

lib searchThe W.I. Dykes Library has a change coming soon! The LibSearch is changing and bringing better search results and new functionality.

The new LibSearch will feature:

• Access to most of the library's electronic and print collections with one search

• Improved relevancy ranking that brings good documents to the top of your search results

• Detailed records that provide easy access to all full text options and clear, consistent way to access many popular tools

• The ability to save documents to your own personal folder to access later

• APA or MLA citation for any document

• Easy to access permanent links to share with friends or post on Blackboard

• Advanced search to limit a search to databases, journals, and books in a particular discipline

The Library staff hopes these changes will make it even easier for students and faculty to find the resources they need for their work!