13:18 PM

Ingredients for a Great Educator

Faculty (/fak ltē/) is defined as "an inherent mental or physical power" or "the teaching staff of a university or college, or of one of its departments or divisions, viewed as a body."

Many would agree that UHD faculty members possess an inherent mental or physical power or prowess to engage, encourage and educate our students for success. Each year, University faculty are recognized for: Excellence in Service; Teaching; Scholarly/Creative Activity; Outstanding Adjunct; and Outstanding Lecturer. Meet this year's 2017 Faculty Award recipients who were asked:

What are the ingredients for a great educator?

Outstanding Lecturer: Bridget Mueller

"UHD students have fought to be here, and I consider it part of my job responsibility to fight to keep them here."

Outstanding Adjunct: Terry Pelz

"Decency and respect in establishing a learning environment where every question is important while inspiring and guiding students to take control of their own education."

Excellence in Service: Dr. Ryan Pepper

"Passion, practice, patience, honesty, hope, knowledge. A hopeful and optimistic attitude can be quite infectious to students when combined with passion and honesty."

Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activity: Floyd Newsum

"Patience, sincerity and the willingness to give your time to motivate, educate and expose to professional opportunities."

Excellence in Teaching: Dr. Hank Roubicek

"An enormous amount of patience and optimism. A sense of inquiry and a creative spirit…and a really good sense of humor.

(The article was published in the latest edition of UHD Magazine.)