13:29 PM

UHD Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

By: Claire Caton

Students gathered this week for "Honoring UHD Law Enforcement Day" to celebrate the excellent work of the UHD Police Department in keeping students, faculty and staff safe while on campus.

Spearheaded by the Student Government Association (SGA), the event brought together approximately 125 cadets from the Criminal Justice Training Center for a pasta lunch and the opportunity for students to personally thank UHD Police Chief Rick Boyle and his staff for their efforts. Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia served as the keynote speaker and spoke to the cadets about the importance of their studies and the critical role of law enforcement in the community.

"The work of being a police officer is so important," said Garcia. "It is a very complex, dynamic industry, so it's imperative that you base your career on the excellent academic foundation you're getting here at UHD. But as you pursue your education and career, your interest shouldn't stop in the classroom. We all have an obligation in the community and you each are called to be a role model."

Garcia encouraged the cadets to always protect their integrity, watch the company they keep and place a priority on staying healthy and physically strong.

"Today was a great opportunity for our police cadets to hear from the top when it comes to pursuing a career in law enforcement," said Ivan Sanchez, SGA president. "But at the same time, I hope that the event encouraged students to thank our UHD Police force when they see them and remember to not take them for granted."

The lunch also served to laud the work of the police trainees and support the commitment they have made to protect the community. Garcia said, "There are two kinds of people in the world - those who stand on the sidelines and those who become involved to be a part of the solution. You're taking a position to say, 'I will support law and order.' I am so proud of each of you and want to thank you for what you are doing."
